I was born in 1975, competed in gymnastics as a teenager and earned a linguistics degree and a law degree. Presently, I am teaching all Pilates classes.
Technical challenges make me happy, whether in privacy law and cyber security (my job), teaching Pilates (my other job), or snowboarding, climbing or DJing (my hobbies).
My resume on LinkedInBorn in 1975 too, I hold a philosophy degree and a teachers' degree.
Postural awareness is key for me in daily life. Having hypermobile joints, I need to move often during the day. Walking and short exercise breaks help me avoid discomfort. Over the years I've finetuned my Pilates routines. I combine them with movements I learned from dance, qi gong and physiotherapy.
Leading a physically active life helps me to think more clearly and be creative.
My resume on LinkedIn